Canned Sardines - A Super Food and Mood Food - Quasi Recipes and Nutrition Facts

Latest update: April 12, 2023. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change and the updates continue.

Includes how to eat sardines and benefits.

Sardines as food; canned sardines are another super food aka wonder food.

All about sardines as food and more.

Sardine Health and Nutrition Benefits

  • They’ve got all the B-complex vitamins we all need.
  • They’re loaded with vitamin D.
  • They’ve got a decent amount of vitamin E and some vitamin K.
  • As for minerals, it’s a veritable bonanza. Lots of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium.
  • Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids.
As a side note...  Whenever I feel anxious or depressed, the nutrients in a can of sardines almost always makes me feel better. The vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 do indeed have a well-known, positive effect on mood and emotions.

Sardines are also surprisingly inexpensive for their value. A big, red, flat can of them costs less than $3 (your prices may vary). Usually, they will already be in a tomato sauce. Just pour into a proper bowl, microwave for two minutes and eat. As a side note, be sure to cover with a paper plate or whatever before microwaving; otherwise, you may have a very messy microwave oven cleaning project to look forward to.

How to Eat Sardines - Quasi Recipe Ideas

What with all the skin and bones included, straight sardines are really not that much fun to eat. One can improve the experience by doing or adding the following:
  • Use as a topping on pizza.
  • Make sardine tacos.
  • Rinse off tomato sauce; slice and dice; mix-in some mayo; break out two slices of bread and make into a sandwich (this is the option I usually choose).
  • Eat with crackers.
  • Mix with pasta.
  • Experiment with condiments.
  • Make your cat's day.

And the usual seafood mercury poisoning fears are not a concern here. The larger and more long-lived the fish, the higher the mercury concentration levels. Sardines are short-lived and small. Mercury contamination is almost nonexistent.

This USDA page will tell you everything you could possibly ever want to know about sardine nutrition: USDA FoodData Central re: Sardines.

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