I have paid experience (except where otherwise noted) in the following industries, professions, projects. The list is more or less in reverse chronological order. I've no doubt forgotten a few. I'll add them as I remember.
- Online Writer, Publisher and Website Designer (present)
- Caregiver (unpaid)
- ↑ Retired ↑
- Medical (Big Pharma, grossly overpaid)
- Inventory Tracking and Control
- International Shipping
- Energy Utilities
- Banking (they deserve their reputations)
- Finance
- ↑ Computer Consultant & Programmer/Analyst ↑
- Telecom
- Sales & Marketing
- Tax Form Design Coding
- Insurance (an extremely unprofessional environment)
- ↑ Programmer/Analyst ↑
- Tech Support
- Billing
- Process Server
- Municipal Government (laid back work environment)
- Data Entry
- Office Clerk
- Materials and Process Analyst
- Aerospace
- Chemistry Lab Tech
- Stock Clerk
- City garage (drove police cars and other interesting adventures)
- Casino Shill
- Marines
- Avionics
- Electronics
- Auto Maintenance
- Gas Station Attendant (we actually pumped the gas and cleaned your windshield for you back then)
- Grocery Store Courtesy Clerk (we were called box boys back then)
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Flash Fiction
- Astronomy
- Humor
- Education
- Tech
- Entropy
- Physics
- Metaphysics
- Mathematics
- Chess
- Music
- Reading Real Books
- Photography
- Aquariums
- Rock Collecting
- Home Repair
- Auto Repair
- Food, Health, Nutrition
- Cooking
- The Science and Art of Communication
- Consumer Behavior
- Legal
- Government
- Most Things Internet
The time has come...
Nit to pick...you refer to Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium as "rare-earth metals". While they are metals and are rare (btw, actual rare earth metals are NOT scarce) they are not "rare-earth metals".
You are right.