How to Remember Color Order of Visible Spectrum and Rainbow - ROYGBIV

Latest update: February 26, 2024. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change and the updates continue.

Remembering the list order of the rainbow and visible light color spectrum is easy: ROYGBIV.

Additional wavelength, rainbow, sunset, laser images and information resources were added afterwards for folks who might find them interesting. But first, The Quick and Easy Way to Remember Rainbow and Spectrum Colors...

An Introduction to Mr. Roy G. Biv

Mnemonic Trick to Remember the Order of Colors in the Visible Light Spectrum and Rainbows

His name is Roy G. Biv.

Note the first letter of each color in the visible light color spectrum map above. If you can remember the name, Roy G. Biv, then you have accomplished your goal.

ROYGBIV - The Color List and Order of the Visible Light Spectrum and Rainbow

  • Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
If you are interested in more information about the visible spectrum, wavelengths, light, colors, etc.; there are all sorts of additional information and resources below.

The List and Order of Visible Spectrum Wavelengths

Visible light wavelengths.

Visible light wavelengths

  • Red: The lower and longer wavelengths
  • Violet: The higher and shorter wavelengths

An Expanded Electromagnetic Spectrum List

There really isn't that much more to it.
  • Gamma Rays
  • X-Rays
  • Infrared
  • Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
  • Ultraviolet
  • Microwaves 
  • Radio Waves
Interesting how the visible spectrum is right in the middle. As a side note, there are two categories of ultraviolet light; long wave and short wave; UV lights can be purchased that radiate both wavelength ranges.

This is a good time to mention that ultraviolet light can permanently damage your eyes. Never stare directly at a UV light. The damage can occur over time. A mistake you make when you are 20 years old can come back to haunt you in your later years, For that matter, most people who wear glasses or contacts always get a UV-blocking coating on their lenses and/or contacts. And for those who use sunglasses, always buy a reputable brand that has the UV protection coating.

Here is a short article dedicated exclusively about ultraviolet light and your eyes: Things That Reflect or Emit Ultraviolet Rays.

An Expanded Electromagnetic Wavelength Image

This image came from a NASA page with all sorts of additional information and resources included, well worth a visit.

Rainbows - Nature's Natural Prisms

This NOAA/NASA page will tell you everything you would ever want to know about rainbows, how they are formed, etc. Rainbow images are free and in the public domain.

Symmetric Rainbow

Double Rainbow

Rainbow over the Gardner River Canyon near Mammoth NPS photo by Neal Herbert

Light Show Sunsets

This NOAA/NWS page explains the causes for the vivid sunsets we sometimes see. Sunset images are free and in the public domain.

Sunset image

Sunset image

Sunset image

Sunset image

Lasers - Otherwise Known as Light Waves With an Attitude

Here is an introductory page on How Lasers Work. Laser images are free and in the public domain.

Ground-to-Space Laser Calibration System
NASA page on ground-based systems to calibrate Earth observing sensors
measuring reflected radiance in low and geostationary orbits.

Simulation of Laser-Plasma Interaction
ALCF page on laser-plasma interactions and current projects.

Lasers Used in Dual Atomic Clock
NIST page on how lasers are used in atomic clocks.

It is hoped you liked the images and additional information resources. Feel free to use these public domain images as desktop or other screen backgrounds, Pinterest pinning, other social media uses, etc.

So, what is the order of colors in a rainbow or the visible light spectrum?

- End of Article -

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1 comment:

  1. Thankyou, I will share your post in our upcoming major Course on Autism and your share is excellent to simply explain the colours of the Spectrum which obviously the Autism domain relates their variation, not in colours, but of the different comorbidities within the Autism Spectrum.


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